
Friday 15 July 2011

Hello there, my degree has been finished for a few weeks, have had my results and am very pleased with them. I have already been part of the Free Range show in London, it was such hard work and a lot of fun, great to get a peak at other artists finishing now too. I was interested to notice that the work of each university contained the same subjects done differently, there seems to be a subconscious trend going on.

Now it is time to organize my lounge making it a part studio so that I can get to work here making more art. I have been putting a lot of thought into what I will do next, carry on the same theme or start one of the ideas I have been thinking about for years. I'm sure I will know once I get the space ready to use. Also, anything I do will be better than doing nothing, I would rather have a go and get it wrong than do nothing.

First to paint the walls white...